The OII advises applicants individually on questions of reconciling family and career during the application period or before starting work at the Institute. The administrative director of the Institute (Atilla Tarhan, is happy to provide information on administrative procedures, residency regulations, and other practical questions.
At present, there are three German international schools in Istanbul, one primary school and two grammar schools (Gymnasien). They are recognized by the Bundesverwaltungsamt – Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen:
In addition to these schools, there are also several international schools that offer lessons in English, Turkish, and German.
Istanbul has a German kindergarten, which is integrated into the German Embassy School.
There are also several German-language kindergartens. Use this link to find more information:
We are happy to help you find a suitable kindergarten.
The OII supports its employees wherever possible, if they incur childcare costs by participating in Institute events. For further information, please contact the administration management.