Dr. A. Ebru Akcasu (1.10.2022 – 31.3.2023)
Stifled by Modernity: Ottoman Women’s Activism from Empire to Republic
Anglo-American University Prague
Dr. Dmitriy Oparin (04 – 10 / 2022)
Duty and loyalty among migrant Central Asian mullahs in contemporary Russia
Laboratory UMR Passage, Université Bordeaux Montaigne and CNRS, Bordeaux, France; bInstitute for Social Policy, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Dr. Roxana Coman (1.3.2022 – 30.6.2023)
There and back again: Ottoman Imperial legacies and Dimitrie Papazoglu’s collection of Ottoman artefacts
Orient-Institut Istanbul
Dr. Gülşah Şenol (1.1.2021 – 31.12.2021)
Gender and Autobiographical Sources on the History of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey
Monograph: A Comparative History of Feminism in Egypt and Turkey, 1880-1935: Dialogue and Difference
Orient-Institut Istanbul
Dr. Sara Nur Yıldız (1.8.2018 – 28.2.2018)
The Seljuks of Anatolia: Empire-Building on the Frontiers of the Muslim World
Orient-Institut Istanbul
Marie Bossaert, Dr. (1.2. – 31.7.2016)
Thema: Levantiner und Italiener in Istanbul im 19. Jahrhundert: italienische Egodokumente und erzählende Quellen
Orient-Institut Istanbul
Dr. Hülya Adak (1.10.2011 – 30.5.2012)
World War I and the Armenian Catastrophe: The Politics of the Archive, Fiction and Auto-/Biographies in Turkey
Sabancı Üniversitesi
Dr. Anna Neubauer Khurshid (1.7. – 31.12.2012)
Celle qui n’existe pas. Soufisme et autorité féminine à Istanbul
Universität Neuchâtel
Dr. Sara Nur Yıldız (2011 –2012)
Historische Kontextualisierung der religiösen und intellektuellen Realitäten Anatoliens in der Seldschucken- und Mongolenzeit
Orient-Institut Istanbul
Dr. Karin Schweißgut (1.10.2009 – 31.3.2011)
Armut in der türkischen Literatur (Habilitationsprojekt)
Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Sara Nur Yıldız (1.2.2008 – 1.2.2010)
Das Stiftungswesen bei den Seldschuken
University of St Andrews
PhD Fellows
Burcu Yaşin (1.9.2023-31.7.2024)
Volume Up, Volume Down: Sonic Gentrification and the Tuning of Romani Music in Turkey
Concordia University, Montreal
Maysa Albert (15.4.24-15.7.24)
Seen from the periphery: The last 100 years of Istanbul from the perspective of the periphery
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Berkay Uluç (1.9. 23 – 30.6.2024)
Translingual Ottoman Modernity: Texts, Concepts, and Media
Michigan University
Fabian Riesinger (1.9.2023-30.11.2023)
Imagining Rhodes and Fashioning Malta: Interconnectivity and Appropriation after 1600
European University Institute, Florence, department of History and Civilisation
Orhun Yalçın (1.8.2023-31.10.2023)
History of Artvin and Kars in the 19th century
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies
Selim Kırılmaz (15.7.2023-15.10.2023)
Music, Migration and Silencing: Memory of the Music of old Mardin and Mihail Kirilmaz
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Social and Cultural Anthropology Department
Seda İzmirli Karamanlı (3.7.2023 – 3.10.2023)
Teodosya Sophroniades: An Ottoman-Greek / Circassian Female Intellectual Espousing Women’s Rights In Late Ottoman Istanbul
SOAS, University of London, Near and Middle East Department
Ekaterina Aygün (1.5.2023 – 31.7.2023)
Constantinople/Istanbul as an artistic hub of Russian-speaking émigrés (1919–1927)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Kunstgeschichte)
Audrey Wozniak, M.A. (1.6.2022 – 30.4.2023)
A Discipline for the Nation: Turkish Classical Music Choirs in History and Practice
Harvard University
Jilian Ma (8.11.2021 – 8.7.2022)
Ottoman/Turkish-China intellectual engagements from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century
Koç-Universität, Istanbul
Dimitrios Giagtzoglou, M.A. (8.11.2021 – 8.7.2022)
The Ottoman “science of letters” in Theory and Practice: Principles, Methods, People and Sources
University of Crete
Yasemin Akçagüner (6.11.2021 – 30.8.2022)
Celestial Bodies: Astral Science, Medicine and the Ottoman Lifecycle (1768-1839)
Columbia University
Daria Kovaleva (1.11.2021 – 30.11.2022)
Oral Drama in Istanbul and the Production of Public Culture in the Second Ottoman Empire (1570s-1820s)
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Uldanay Jumabay, M.A. (1.11.2021 – 30.8.2022)
Clause combining strategies in Kazakh as spoken in China in comparative perspectives
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Mehdi Mirabian Tabar (1.11.2021 – 30.8.2022)
Theologico-Political Obstacles to the Establishment of the Modern State in Iran: A Study of Iran’s Constitutional Movement of 1906
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Douglas Mattsson (1.9.2021 – 28.2.2022 / 9.3.2022 – 25.4.202 / 1.11.2022 – 15.11.2022)
Religious semiotic resources in black metal music and the evolvement of subcultures
Södertörn University, Stockholm
Sebastian Willert (1.3.2021 – 30.4.2021 / 1.9.2021 – 30.11.2021)
Cultural Imperialism versus Protectionism? On the Role of Antiquities as a matter of conflict within the German-Ottoman Art Policy between 1890 and 1918
Technische Universität Berlin
Armand Aupiais (1.8.2020 – 31.1.2021)
Evangelical Protestants in Turkey: Urban Circuits, Religious Labour, Christian History
Université de Paris
Jaimee Comstock-Skipp (6.7.2020 – 5.1.2021)
Scions of Turan: the 16th-century Uzbek take on Firdausī’s Shāhnāma epic – artistic exchanges across Istanbul and Bukhara
Leiden University
Lorenz Hörmann (1.7.2020 – 17.3.2020)
Native Turkish Christianity? – The Independent Turkish Orthodox Church
University of Vienna, Faculty of Protestant Theology
Zeynep Tezer (15.2.2020 – 15.8.2020)
Idiosyncratic Forms of Social Criticism in the Sixteenth- and Seventeenth‑Century Ottoman Empire
University of Chicago
Shahrzad Irannejad (1.9.2019 – 31.7.2020)
Localization of the Avicennean Inner Senses in a Hippocratic Body
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Erol Koymen (1.9.2019 – 15.3.2020)
Sonic Occidentalism and the Infrastructure of the Extraordinary: Classical Music in Turkish Modernity
University of Chicago
Benan Grams (1.7.2019 – 31.12.2019)
Ottoman Medicine in Greater Syria
Georgetown University
Elena Panayi (27.5.2019 – 26.8.2019)
Ottoman female poets and mystical orders: Elements of interaction in Ottoman divan poetry
University of Cyprus
Thomas Ecker (18.3.2019 – 17.6.2019)
Persian Pilgrims in Istanbul
Universität Bamberg, Iranistik
Esther Voswinckel Filiz, M.A. (1.3.2019 – 31.1.2020)
Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi in Istanbul – Biography of a Place
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Sada Payır (1.3.2019 – 31.8.2019)
Entertainment, Propriety, Transgression: The ‘Unorthodox’ Greeks of Istanbul in the Late Ottoman Empire
Universität Oxford, Fakultät für Orientstudien, Pembroke College
Gwendolyn Collaço (15.5.2019 – 1.8.2019)
Cosmopolitan Albums from the Bazaars of Istanbul: Products of Global Networks, ca. 1650-1800
Harvard University
Mira Xenia Schwerda (5.3.2019 – 30.4.2019)
A Revolution in Pictures: An Examination of Early Political Photography in Iran and the Ottoman Empire
Harvard University
Chloe Bordewich (1.1.2019 – 31.3.2019)
Empire of Suspicion: Intelligence, Power, and Social Trust in the Ottoman Arab World, 1865-1930
Harvard University
Şafak Kılıçtepe (3.11.2018 – 31.5.2019)
Reproductive Technologies, Pronatalism and Ethnicity: An Ethnography of Situated Reproduction in Turkey
Indiana University, Bloomington
Kenan Behzat Sharpe (15.9.2018 – 15.12.2018)
Anatolian Rock and Turkey’s 1960s
University of California, Santa Cruz
Hüseyin Ongan Arslan (1.5.2018 30.7.2018)
Reconstructing Sunni-Shiite Identities: Uses of the Muslim Past in Ottoman Historiography, 1496-1639
Indiana University
Polina Ivanova (1.2.2018 – 15.4.2019)
Migration, settlement and the transformation of cultural landscape in medieval Anatolia
Harvard University, Department of History
Gwendolyn Collaço (15.1.2018 – 30.4.2018)
Cosmopolitan Albums from the Bazaars of Istanbul: Products of Global Networks, ca. 1650-1800
Harvard University
Matthew Ghazarian (21.2.2018 – 24.9.2018)
Famine in a Time of Uncertainty: Disaster and Sectarianism in Ottoman Anatolia, 1839–1893
Columbia University
Sinibaldo De Rosa (13.11.2017 – 15.8.2018)
Movement and Adaptation of the Alevi Semah in Turkey and Western Europe
University of Exeter/School of Music at Cardiff University
Andrea Weiss (1.11.17 –31.12.17, 6.3.18 – 30.9.18)
Turkish Muslim Georgians? The historical Georgian diaspora in Turkey and its connection to today’s Adjara and Georgia
Central European University Budapest
Sevi Bayraktar (20.3.17 – 20.10.17)
Contested Choreographies: Women Claiming Traditional Dances in Turkey
University of California, Los Angeles
Ceren Aygül (6.4.17 – 7.7.17)
War, Empire and Society: The Ottoman Red Crescent Society (1911-1923)
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Main
Anoush Suni (15.1.2017 – 14.7.2017)
Buried Histories: Ruins and the Politics of Memory in Anatolia
University of California
Yeliz Çavuş (1.1.2017 – 30.6.17)
The Formation of Modern Historical Conciousness in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Turkish Historical Narratives, 1840s-1930s
The Ohio State University
Hande Güzel (1.10.2016 – 28.2.2017)
Becoming of the Body through Re-Virginization Practices in Turkey
University of Cambridge
Maria Cramer (19.10.2016 – 18.3.2017)
„The Inherited Risk”. The Medicalisation of Consanguineous Marriage in Contemporary Turkey
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Annegret Roelcke (6.6.16 – 5.11.2016)
Religious Tourism in Eyüp. Constructions of an Islamic Place in Istanbul
Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
Tobias Völker, M.A. (1.5.2016 – 31.10.2016)
The Hamburg Diplomat and Orientalist Andreas David Mordtmann (1811–1879) as Contemporary Witness of Late Ottoman History
Universität Hamburg, Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des Vorderen Orients
Jan Markus Vömel (15.4.2016 – 14.10.2016)
Reclaiming Modernity: Cultures of Islamism in Turkey, c. 1980-2000
Universität Konstanz
Annika Törne (1.4.2016 – 30.9.2016)
Dersim – Eine Untersuchung von Narrativen über Verfolgung und Gewalt
Universität Basel
Carolin Liebisch (1.10.2015 – 30.11.2015)
Representing Modernity on the Global Stage. Interwar Internationalism and the Case of Turkey
Universität Heidelberg
İpek Nazlı Hüner Cora (1.7.2015 – 30.9.2015)
Expanding the Boundaries of an Established Canon: Gender, Erotica, and Grotesque in Early Modern Manuscript Culture
University of Chicago
Sara Islan Fernandez (1.7.2015 – 31.12.2015)
Mitrip and communitarian dances in Urfa’s region: a portrait of the music, performers, and dance, in their social context and ongoing transformation
University Complutense of Madrid
Akın Sefer (1.7.2015 – 31.12.2015)
Labor in the Heart of Empire: Workers, Industry, and the State in Late Ottoman Istanbul
Northeastern University
Feras Krimsti (1.5.2015 – 31.10.2015)
Von der Provinz ins Zentrum: Repräsentationen Istanbuls im Reisebericht (1764/1765) von Ḥannā al-Ṭabīb (gest. 1775)
Freie Universität Berlin
Atilla Babadostu (1.4.2015 – 30.6.2015)
Die eschatologische Komponente osmanischer Herrschaftslegitimation, ihr Wesen sowie ihre Entwicklung vom Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts bis in die 1560er Jahre
Universität Wien
Alexander E. Balistreri, M.A. (1.11.2014 – 31.1.2015)
Between Russian Empire and Turkish Nation-State: Local Elite Networks and the History of Nationalism in the Anatolian–Caucasian Borderland
Princeton University
Jan Bartknecht, M.A. (1.10.2014 – 31.1.2015)
Atatürk and his Cult – A Visual History 1918-1968
Goldsmiths College, University of London
Anna Vakalis, M.A. (1.9.2014 – 30.11.2014)
Crime and Intercommunal Relations in Ottoman Macedonia (1839-1876): The Local Mixed Courts Established During the Tanzimat Reforms
Universität Basel
Kerem Tinaz, M.A. (15.6.2014 – 15.9.2014)
Intellectual Trajectories From Ottomanism to Nationalism: The Cases of Mustafa Satı Bey, Tunalı Hilmi, and Abraham Galante
University of Oxford
Ersin Mıhçı, M.A. (15.5.2014 – 15.8.2014)
Forging National Music on Both Sides of the Aegean in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Universität Heidelberg
Gülfem Alıcı, M.A. (1.5.2014 – 30.9.2014)
Seelenlehre und Seelenleitung im osmanisch-arabischen 17. Jh.: Qāsim al-Ḫānīs Werk zur Novizenerziehung: as-Sayr was-sulūk ilā malik al-mulūk
Universität Hamburg
Necla Melike Atalay, M.A. (15.3.2014 – 15.6.2014)
Produktionsbedingungen komponierender Frauen vor und nach der Gründung der Republik Türkei (1923). Am Beispiel von Leyla Saz (1845-1936), Nazife Aral-Güran (1921-1993) und Yüksel Koptagel (geb. 1931)
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Claudia Flohr, M.A. (1.3.2014 – 31.8.2014)
The Anti-Capitalist Muslims: A Social Movement in Search of a Muslim Social Theory for Contemporary Turkey
Universität Bonn
Yaşar Tolga Cora (17.10.2013 – 17.7.2014)
Transforming Erzurum/Karin: the Social and Economic History of a Multi-Ethnic Ottoman City in the Nineteenth Century
University of Chicago
Sümeyra Aslıhan Gürbüzel (6.10.2013 – 6.8.2014)
Social Imagination in Mystical Commentaries: Readers and Readings of Rumi’s Mathnawi in Seventeenth Century Istanbul
Harvard University
Aytek S. Alpan (1.10.2013 – 31.3.2014)
‘Turks’ of Crete and ‘Hellenes’ of Smyrna: A Comparative Analysis of the 1923 Greco-Turkish Population Exchange (1860-1960)
University of California San Diego
Julia Splitt (1.9.2013 – 28.2.2014)
Offshoring und ‚Re‘-Migration: Transnationale Arbeits- und Lebenswelten am Beispiel deutsch-türkischer Callcenter-Agents in Istanbul
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Melih Egemen (1.9.2013 – 28.2.2014)
Ahmet Rasim’s Sehir Mektuplari and Fin-de-Siecle Istanbul
University of Harvard
Paulina Dominik (1.9.2013 – 31.8.2014)
Between White Eagle and Crescent – Polish narratives of the late Ottoman Empire (1830-1918)
University of Oxford
Stelios Irakleous (1.9.2013 – 28.2.2014)
Seraphim Attaliates and his Language: A Study into Eighteenth-Century Karamanlidika
Leiden University
Mohamed Elfateh (1.8. – 30.9.2013)
Reconstruction of the old City Suakin, Sudan. A comparison investigation about the reconstruction’s influence factors in the Red Sea Region. Case studies: Suakin, Port Sudan, Jeddah- Old town
Universität Cottbus
Irena Fliter (15.6. – 15.12.2013)
Ottoman Diplomats and the Culture of Diplomacy (1761-1821) Ottoman Ambassadors, Chargé d’affairs and Dragomans between the Ottoman Empire and Prussia
Tel Aviv University
Fabio Salomoni (1.6. – 30.9.2013)
Neo-Hindu Religious Movements and Yoga Teaching in Contemporary Turkey
Koç Üniversitesi
Ece Zerman (2.4. – 30.9.2013)
Material Culture of Istanbul bourgeoisie at the turn of the century: Objects, memory and self-representation
European University Institute in Florence
Ayşegül Argit (2.4. – 30.5.2013)
Presse, Politik und Mobilisation in Istanbul 1908-1914
Universität Heidelberg
Dilek Sarmış (1.7. – 31.10.2012)
New Religious Movements in Turkey
Anna Calia (1.7. – 31.8.2012)
Greek documents of the first Ottoman sultans from Venice State Archive (end of 15th-beginning of 16th century)
University of San Marino, Advanced School of Historical Studies
Nikos Sigalas (1.6. – 31.10.2012)
Traditional Sufi theories and practices and new age religious movements
EHESS (School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences), History
Brian Chauvel (1.4. – 30.9.2012)
From roots to essence: commercial and legendary topography of phyto-therapeutic representations and practices in Turkey
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Helen Pfeifer (1.10.2011 – 30.5.2012)
More than Merriment: Sociability and Ethnicity in the Ottoman Meclis
Princeton University
Guy Rak (1.7. – 30.9.2011)
The Visual Culture of the Ottoman Empire: the Architecture of the Second Constitutional Period
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rüstem Ertuğ Altınay (1.6. – 30.11.2011)
Catching the Train. Body, Politics, Identity and Modernization in Turkey
New York University
Charlotte Joppien (1.4. – 31.12.2011)
Die Kommunalpolitik der türkischen Regierungspartei AKP
Universität Hamburg
Cem Kara (1.4. – 30.9.2012)
Der Bektaschi-Orden – inter- und transkulturelle Geschichte eines Derwischordens im langen 19. Jahrhundert
Ruhr Universität Bochum
Benjamin Flöhr (1.1. – 30.6.2011)
Elmalili Muhammad Hamdi Yazir (1878-1942) – Ein traditionalistischer Korandeuter im Dienste des Kemalismus
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Visiting Scholars
Benedikt Römer (7.10.2024-31.12.2024)
Evolving Perceptions in the Post-Ottoman Sphere: Turkish Travelogues to the Arab World, 1966-1978
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Simone Salmon (19.7.2023-30.5.2024/14.10.2024-22.12.2024)
Yaşa! Diversity, Place, and Memory in Turkish Jewish Music
California University (Los Angeles)
Dr. Gökçen Beyinli (6.8.2024-30.10.2024)
Batinism as Neş’e: Reconsidering the History of Islam and Alevis in Turkey through Abdülbâki Gölpınarlı
Hamburg University
Lesar Yurtsever (29.7.2024-26.9.2024)
Sounding out Liberalism: Music and U.S. Turkish Relations from 1927 to 1960
Freie Universität Berlin
Muhammet Topal (9.6.2024-31.7.2024)
Making of An Ottoman Public Intellectual: Mizancı Mehmed Murad Bey
The University of Arizona
Dr. Matthew Ghazarian (25.5.2024-5.8.24)
Famine & Ethnic Divides in the Late Ottoman East
Columbia University
Suzanne Compagnon, M.A. M.A. (19.09.2022 – 15.06.2023)
Clothed figures and representation in Ottoman book painting
Marietta Blau Scholarship Awardee, University of Vienna and Sabancı University
Dr. Ambra D’Antone (9.10.2022 – 30.10.2022)
The Persistence of Memory: Revivalism and Nationalism in Turkey and Greater Syria
The Warburg Institute – School of Advanced Study – University of London
Dr. Maha AbdelMegeed (19.9.2022 – 21.10.2022)
Modern Arabic Language in the Throes of the ‘Urabi Revolt
American University of Beirut
Dr. Matthew Ghazarian (1.6.2022 – 30.8.2022)
Ghost Rations
Manoogian Research Fellow am Zentrum für Armenische Studien und am Fachbereich Geschichte der Universität Michigan
Prof. Dr. Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis (29.11.2021 – 15.4.2022)
Early Ottoman Macedonia from the Perspective of the History of Interconnections
Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures
Dr. Gülşah Şenkol (1.9.2020 – 31.12.2020)
A Comparative History of Feminism in Egypt and Turkey, 1880-1935: Dialogue and Difference
Orient-Institut Istanbul
Dr. Nevra Lischevski (15.11.2021 – 19.11.2021)
Multilingualism and Language Planning in the Period of the Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Turkish Republic
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Dr. Philip Bockholt (9.8.2021 – 3.9.2021)
Inner-Islamic Transfer of Knowledge in the Context of Arabic-Persian-Ottoman Turkish Translation Processes within the Eastern Mediterranean between 1400–1750: Mirrors for Princes, Historiography, and Biographies of the Prophet
Universität Leipzig, Orientalisches Institut, Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft
Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski (3.8.2021 – 27.8.2021)
Peripheries in the Ottoman Empire
Universität Basel, Islamwissenschaften, Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Jilian Ma (1.1.2021 – 31.12.2021)
Ottoman/Turkish-China intellectual engagements from 1908 to 1939
Koç Üniversitesi, Istanbul
Merve Köksal (1.7.2020 – 15.8.2020)
A Background History of the Occupation: Life in the Istanbul Underground during 1918-1923
Akdeniz University (Antalya)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Emmanouil Giannopolous (11.11.2019 – 17.11.2019)
Byzantine music and its sources
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski (18.3.2019 – 20.5.2019, 15.7.2019 – 5.8.2019)
History of the Republic of Turkey
Universität Basel, Islamwissenschaften, Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Dr. Ebru Akcasu (07/2018 – 01/2019)
Foreigner in Istanbul in the late-Ottoman Empire
Charles University, Prague, Institute of Near Eastern and African Studies
Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Khan (3.6.2018 – 30.6.2018)
A Comparative Study of Non-normative Islam: Turkish Alevis, Iranian Ahl-e Haqq, and the Qalandariyya in Pakistan
Habib University, Karachi
Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski (8.1.2018 – 27.1.2018 und 3.7.2018 – 19.7.2018 )
History of the Republic of Turkey
Universität Basel, Islamwissenschaften, Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski (3.7.2017 – 25.7.2017 )
History of the Republic of Turkey
Universität Basel, Islamwissenschaften, Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Jannis Grimm (09/2016 – 01/2017)
The Changing Language of Revolt: Contested Narratives & Affective Economies in Egypt after 2011
Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS), PhD student
Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Ergin Öpengin (13. – 24.6. und 8.8. – 24.8.2016)
Die Sammlung, Edition und sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse von kurdischen Texten aus der Zeit vor 1800
Universität Bamberg, Bosphorus Universität
Zsófia Turóczy (1.2.2016 – 15.4.2017)
Freimaurernetzwerke zwischen Ungarn und dem Osmanischen Reich: Eine Geschichte von mobilen Akteuren, wandernden Ideen und Elitenrekrutierung in Zeiten der Nationsbildung (19./20. Jahrhundert)
Doktorandin an der Universität Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski (1.9. – 15.12.2015)
Islamwissenschaften, Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Universität Basel
Prof. Dr. Amy Singer (24.8. – 30.9.2015)
Department of Middle Eastern & African History
Tel Aviv University
Prof. Dr. Johann Strauss (20.7. – 7.8.2015, 9.7. – 9.8.2014, 3. – 31.7.2013, 9. – 26.7.2012)
Faculté des Langues et des Cultures Etrangères, Département Turc
Université de Strasbourg
Dr. Dilek Sarmış (13. – 25.6.2015)
Centre d’Etudes Ottmanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques, Paris
Dr. Yiğit Topkaya (1.7.2014 – 1.5.2015)
Translation Studies/Romanistik
Universität Basel
Prof. Dr. Christoph Herzog (3. – 19.4.2015)
Institut für Turkologie
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Béatrice Hendrich (23. 2. – 1.3.2015)
Philosophische Fakultät, Orientalisches Seminar
Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Nathalie Clayer (16.2. – 22. 2. 2015)
Centre d’Etudes Ottmanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques, Paris
Dr. Heinrich Hartmann (1.10.2013 – 30.6.2014)
Habilitationsprojekt zur Geschichte westlicher Entwicklungsexperten in der Türkei zwischen den 1950-er und 1980-er Jahren
Universität Basel, Historische Fakultät
Prof. Dr. Kent Schull (24.2. – 23.3.2014, 19. – 29.3.2015)
Department of History
Binghamton University
Prof. Dr. Bilal Orfali (1. – 17.5.2014)
Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages
American University Beirut
Prof. Dr. Orlin Sabev (9.6. – 1.7.2014)
Institute of Balkan Studies
Sofia University
Prof. Dr. Abu Husayn (1. – 30.6.2013)
Department of History and Archeology
American University of Beirut
Prof. Dr. Andrew Peacock (1. – 30.9.2013)
Islamisation of Anatolia, c. 1100-1500
St Andrews University