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Christoph K. Neumann received his doctorate in 1992 from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich and in 2006 the rank of associate professor in modern and recent history in Turkey. After stints at, among others, Charles University in Prague, Istanbul Technical University and Istanbul Bilgi University, he has been Professor of Turkish Studies at the Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies at LMU Munich since 2008. From 2009 to 2016, in addition to his professorship at LMU, he was teaching at Istanbul Bilgi University as a visiting professor. Before that, he has worked at the OII from 1993 to 1996 when the institute was still a branch of the OI Beirut.
His research focuses on the history and culture of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire. He is also a translator for German and Turkish and co-editor of various Turkish academic journals. The short history of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey written by him together with Klaus Kreiser was published in German by Reclam Verlag and translated into Czech, Italian, and Turkish.
Christoph K. Neumann is currently Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Southeast European Society e.V. He is a founding member and board member of the Society for Turkology, Ottoman Studies and Turkey Research e. V.