
Reading Room

Six reading tables and two public workstations with internet access as well as free wireless internet access (Wi-Fi) and the library’s online catalog are available in the library’s reading room. Direct access to the journals licensed for the Orient-Institut Istanbul and the Encyclopaedia of Islam is possible from within the network of the Institute. Furthermore, a large number of periodicals and databases provided by the German Nationallizenzen are accessible online. All accessible online journals can be retrieved through the Electronic Journals Library EZB.

A book scanner is available in the reading room for self-use free of charge. To use it please bring your own USB stick or a similar storage medium. The checking out of library materials is not possible.

We can order articles of periodicals and chapters of books via the document delivery service subito, though this service is limited by the copy protection regulations for non-German-speaking and non-European countries. In addition to the fees charged by subito the costs of the printout will be charged.

Library hours:

Monday-Thursday 10:00 – 19:00

Friday 09:00 – 13:00

Inter-library loan

The library of the OII does not participate in the inter-library loan system. For details please ask

To the Online Catalogue