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Between the Two Cultures: Makam Music of the Late Ottoman Era Through the Eyes of “Konstantinos Alexandrou Psachos”

Şubat 5@7:00 pm9:00 pm


In the Musicology Lecture Series (Fall/Winter 2024/25)


Between the Two Cultures: Makam Music of the Late Ottoman Era Through the Eyes of “Konstantinos Alexandrou Psachos”


Dr. Eylül Doğan

Istanbul Technical University, Department of Musicology


Wednesday, 5th February 2025, 19:00 at the Orient-Institut Istanbul

This lecture deals with Konstantinos Alexandrou Psachos, a Greek musician born in Arnavutköy in 1869 who contributed to Istanbul’s musical landscape in various ways. Besides his activities as a cantor and intellectual who also participated in the nationalist music discourse, he made a conscious effort to educate himself on makam music and did extensive research on its theory. In this lecture, I will focus on his Ottoman song collection Asias Lyra (1908) as well as The Music Calendar from 1896 that assert his identity in two cultural spheres through his approach to Ottoman-Turkish makam music. First, I will consider how Psachos defined makam music, a concept that attracted considerable attention in musical publications at the time. I will then address how Psachos conceived this topic theoretically in his works and why he wrote repertoire collections and theoretical articles on makam music. Furthermore, I will provide information regarding Psachos’ theoretical and technical approach to makam and usûl, and the sources he might have consulted to determine the repertoire. Psachos’ seminal collections deserve more scholarly attention, as they are the latest ones in the series of makam music publications that had gained popularity among Greek-speaking musicians throughout the 19th century. They comprise a substantial repertoire of Ottoman-Turkish makam music, together with some theoretical texts rooted in 19th-century Istanbul. His writings are therefore invaluable alternative sources of information on both the repertoire and the theory of late Ottoman-Turkish music.

Eylül Doğan is a Research Assistant in the Department of Musicology at Istanbul Technical University. Her recently completed PhD dissertation is about Greek-Karamanlidika musical publications on Ottoman-Turkish makam music and theory which became prominent in 19th-century Istanbul. She conducted exhaustive archival research on these musical sources in numerous libraries in Athens and Thessaloniki for the duration of her doctoral studies between 2020 and 2024. She studied Byzantine music and its notational system with Assoc. Dr. Emmanouil Giannopoulos, who was her thesis supervisor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki through a student exchange program. She also took paleography courses from Prof. Maria Alexandru. From 2018 to 2021, she was a researcher in the BAP project led by Dr. Miltiadis Pappas. She focused on transcription and comparative analysis of Dede Efendi’s musical works written with Byzantine notation in Greek-Karamanlidika sources. She is furthering her studies in the field of historical musicology with a special focus on musical archives.


This event is free of charge, the event language is English. You may attend in person or online. Registration only needed for attending in person.

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Orient-Institut Istanbul

Galip Dede Cad. 65, Şahkulu Mah., TR – 34421 Istanbul

Tel: +90 212 293 60 67





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Şubat 5
7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Etkinlik Kategori:


Andrea Selimoğlu
+90 – 212 293 60 67
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Orient-Institut Istanbul
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+90 212 293 60 67
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