Hommage an den Anthropolgen Jean Rouch
in Frankreich, Amerika, Iran und Italien
Institut Français d’Istanbul (İstiklal Cad. No:4 Beyoğlu)
11. Juni 2022, 16:00 – 20:00
12. Juni 2022, 16:00 – 21:00
Diese Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei und ohne Anmeldung.
Im Rahmen seines Iran-Forschungsschwerpunkts ist das Orient-Institut Istanbul am 11. und 12. Juni 2022 Mitveranstalter einer zweitägigen filmischen Hommage an den berühmten französischen Anthropologen und Filmemacher Jean Rouch. In dieser gemeinsam mit dem französischen Forschungsinstitut IFEA sowie den in Istanbul ansässigen Kulturinstituten Frankreichs und Italiens veranstaltete Retrospektive der anthropologischen Studien Jean Rouchs zu verschiedenen Erdteilen kommt u. a. der preisgekrönte Dokumentarfilm der iranischen Filmemacherin Mina Rad mit dem Titel »Persian Tales, Jean Rouch in Iran« zur Aufführung.
Persian Tales Jean Rouch in Iran a film by Mina Rad, 52′, 2019, WCD production, published by Montparnasse publisher
Persian Tales, Jean Rouch in Iran is about the discovery of the deep relation of Jean Rouch with Iranian filmmakers. Jean Rouch, a French filmmaker and ethnologist, traveled three times to Iran in the 1970s . He gave several workshop and made a film in Isfahan. The iranian cinema today still have been directly and indirectly influenced not only by Jean Rouch’s method, but also through his vision and his sociological work. Persian Tales show how the young generation of iranian filmmakers, like Jean Rouch think about how camera can change reality!
In 2017, French TV5 Monde broadcast “Jean Rouch Persian look”, on the occasion of the centenary of Jean Rouch , which is about Jean Rouch and the transe tradition in Iran. It is based on Iranian and French archive. It is the first film of Mina Rad about Jean Rouch
Persian Tales, Jean Rouch in Iran has been made with the archive of Jean Rouch Fondation in France . It is also published by Montparnasse publishers in France in Dvd box dedicated to Jean Rouch..
THE ENIGMA OF JEAN ROUCH IN TURIN CHRONICLE OF A « FILM RATÉ » , a film by Marco di Castri, Paolo Favaro, Daniele Pianciola , 90’, Les Films du Jeudi
Les Films de la Pléiade, published by Montparnasse publisher
Jean Rouch: ethnographer and filmmaker, one of the outstanding personalities of post-war international cinema, inventor of direct cinema, and, according to Jean-Luc Godard, the true animator of the Nouvelle Vague. In the middle of his career in the mid 80’s, after dozens of films shot between Côte d’Ivoire and Mali, he leaves the river Niger and the Dogon people just to land on the banks of the Po in Turin, following the footsteps of a pale fox that had appeared in a dream to a Swiss painter. What did he come for? In an industrial city of the working class North of Italy which had nothing at all to do with Africa? What had brought him to join with us three, then just three enthusiastic young film- makers, what led him to embark on a fleeing submarine bound for Egypt?
The film we shot with him in 1986 was called Enigma, and this enigma we have sought to unveil here with our words as witnesses, protagonists with Jean Rouch in an adventure that led us to share joyfully our imaginations. The film is based on over 40 hours of backstage filmed between 1984 and 1986, and is the most complete documentation of the peculiar ways of approaching and thinking cinema making by the great French author.
The debate will be presented by :
Christian Schnell, Directeur délégué à l’Institut français d’Istanbul
Ghislain Vidal-Giraud, Attaché de coopération audiovisuelle à l’Institut français d’Istanbul
Marco di Castri, Paolo Favaro, Daniele Pianciola, filmmaker
Mina Rad, filmmaker and producer World Cultural Diversity
Dr. Katja Rieck, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Research Focus Iran, from Orient-Institut Istanbul
Hervé Rony, Directeur Général de la Scam
Katja Rieck studied political science and economics (BA) at Princeton
University (USA). She continued her academic training by pursuing an MA in
sociocultural anthropology and Middle Eastern studies at Goethe University
Frankfurt/Main (Germany). In 2017 she completed her PhD in sociocultural
anthropology. Currently, she is senior fellow and head of the new research
focus on Iran at Orient-Institut Istanbul. She was also project lead for the
standing working group “Iran and Beyond: Breaking the Ground for Sustainable
Scholarly Collaboration” (IRSSC), a project that was conducted at Orient-Institut
Istanbul. In November 2021 and January 2022 the IRSSC organized the film
forum Iran at the Crossways: Documentaries and Dialogs on a Changing Society
at which the film Jean Rouch en Iran was first presented. It was out of the
discussions at these two film forums that the idea for the Hommage à Jean
Rouch was born.
MINA RAD born and educated in Iran, is now French documentary filmmaker, producer, festivals director and member of jury, critic of cinema and organizer of international conferences and seminars.
She has been directing the “International documentary Film Festival Apresvaran, on the step of Jean Rouch” in Paris and has created a global documentary networking amongst the filmmakers who follow the method of Jean Rouch. She is in charge of public relations of Jean Rouch Foundation and has created a global seminar on Pierre Perrault.
Her first film “For Me the Sun Never Sets” was awarded the prize for best documentary at the Cinema Verite Film Festival in Tehran in 2012 with a jury mention, « for the warmth and simplicity to narrate a deep story ». The films that she directs and produces through World Cultural Diversity production are related to archives and the transmission of knowledge of French and Canadian anthropologist-filmmaker and the Amerinidiens in Amazon in north west of Brazil. They are telecast widely and shown at festivals as well as anthropology conferences across the world. Mina Rad is a cinema critic and writes about various film festivals in different media and in In 1990s she has got the award as the best female reporter for her work on Central Asia.
She has directed the cultural festival in the Indian Ocean financed by the European Commission in Mauritius, and has also worked as an international consultant for Iranian national school of cinema in Iran.
Mina Rad’s film making and all other initiatives are about the preservation and restitution of cultural heritage. It is to her a way of looking at the universe, following the path of cultural identity in the world.
This Event is free of charge and without registration. The movies are shown in its own language and some of them with Turkish subtitles.