An Ottoman Tiraz? Sultan Bayezid’s Silk at Studenica Monastery, Serbia

The treasury of the Studenica Monastery in southern Serbia preserves the only known Ottoman textile attributed to the fourteenth century, a massive silk hanging woven for Sultan Bayezid I. It was donated to the monastery in the very early 1400s by Bayezid’s widow, Mileva Olivera Lazarević (Despina Hatun). The textile’s two inscriptions—al-Sultan al-calim al-cādil and […]

A European Islam in the Balkans: History, ‘Ethnic Cleansing’, and the Search for Justice

IN COOPERATION WITH THE HUNGARIAN CULTURAL CENTER IN ISTANBUL / İSTANBUL MACAR KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ: A Lecture in the Series Jewels of Knowledge / İlmin Cevherleri Since ancient times, Southeastern Europe has been a crossroads, where the great empires and religious and cultural currents of the Mediterranean world have met and interacted with each other and with […]

A European Islam in the Western Balkans: History, “Ethnic Cleansing”, and the Future of Coexistence

In Cooperation with the Hungarian Cultural Center in Istanbul / İstanbul Macar Kültür Merkezi: András Riedlmayer Documentation Center of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, Fine Arts Library, Harvard University A European Islam in the Western Balkans: History, “Ethnic Cleansing”, and the Future of Coexistence Wedneday, 16 October 2019 19:00 A Lecture in the […]

İstanbul’da Tasavvuf

İstanbul’da Tasavvuf Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı İstanbul Tarihi Türk Müziği Topluluğunun müdürü Ömer Tuğrul İnançer, 1946 yılında Bursa’da doğdu. İstanbul Üniversitesinin hukuk fakültesinden mezun oldu. Tasavvuf geleneği, müziği ve çeşitli sufi ritüelleri hakkında birçok makalenin ve kitabın yazarı İnançer, eserlerinde sadece yazılı kaynaklardan değil, bu geleneğin sözlü kaynaklarından da istifade etmiştir. Türkiye’de ve yurtdışında birçok […]

Mashrutiyyat and Modernity. A Historiographical Predicament

Christoph Herzog is professor of Turcology at the University of Bamberg, Germany. He studied Middle Eastern and modern European history in Freiburg, Germany and in Istanbul. He works on late Ottoman history and modern Turkish historiography. Mashrutiyyat and Modernity. A Historiographical Predicament: The constitutional revolutions in the Ottoman Empire and in Iran at the beginning […]

Bodiless Heads II: bodies, borders, flux and fluidity

During this encounter, we will hear about the research-practice of Bodiless Heads that Shahrzad Irannejad and Setareh Fatehi developed in 2017, which continues to inspire their current individual works and research. Bodiless Heads is a research on traditions of depictions of the body in the Islamicate world; it is a metaphor, a hypothesis, an imaginary […]

Nükleer Enerji ve Toplumsal Sağlık

Gelişme ve kalkınma hedefleriyle uyumlaştırılan nükleer enerji üretimi, negatif dışsallıkları bağlamında tartışmalı bir konudur. Dünya genelinde Çernobil Nükleer Felaketi ve ondan 25 yıl sonra meydana gelen Fukuşima Nükleer Felaketi nedeniyle nükleer enerjiden çıkış eğilimi oluşmuşsa da başta Türkiye olmak üzere bazı ülkeler ilk defa nükleer santral sahibi olmayı planlamaktadır. Bu çalışmayla nükleer zincirin bir halkası […]

Diverging Genealogies and Conflicting Trajectories of Feminism in Egypt and Turkey from the Late Ottoman Empire into the 1930s

Orient-Institut Istanbul Şahkulu Mah., Galip Dede Cad. No. 65, Beyoğlu, İstanbul, Turkey

To attend this online lecture, prior registration is necessary: Please send an email specifying your name and academic affiliation to by 2 November 2020 (Monday) at the latest. For technical reasons, the number of participants is limited. You will be informed about the organizational and technical procedure before the lecture starts.   Although historiography […]

Networks of Expertise in Turkey: Politics of Autism

There has been widespread media coverage of what is often referred to as the “autism epidemic” around the world. Today autism remains a field of contention. This presentation builds on fieldwork conducted in Turkey to analyze the changing politics of childhood through a study of autism. Through observations and interviews with parents and professionals, I […]

Sanat Uzun, Hayat Kısa: Tıp, Delilik ve Sanat

İçeriden Sesler, Sessizlikler: Tımarhanede Sanat ve Edebiyat (Fatih Artvinli): Türkiye’de “delilik çalışmaları” alanına ilgi son yıllarda giderek artmaya başlamıştır. Tıp tarihi ve psikiyatri tarihi alanında daha çok temel aktörler ve kurumların tarihine yoğunlaşılırken, bu kurumlarda bizzat hastalar tarafından üretilen eserler, edebiyat ve sanat ürünlerine yansıyan sesler ve sessizlikler henüz yeterince işitilmemiştir. Bu sunumda, Toptaşı Bimarhanesi, […]

Weathering the Data Deluge: Challenges and Opportunities of Computational Social Science Methods

Orient-Institut Istanbul Şahkulu Mah., Galip Dede Cad. No. 65, Beyoğlu, İstanbul, Turkey

IMPORTANT NOTE: To attend this livestream lecture, prior registration is necessary: please send an email specifying your name and academic affiliation to by 18 May 2020 (Monday) at the latest. “Out with every theory of human behavior (…) who knows why people do what they do? The point is they do it, and we […]

The Ingredients of Aşure

Orient-Institut Istanbul Şahkulu Mah., Galip Dede Cad. No. 65, Beyoğlu, İstanbul, Turkey

Online Workshop The Ingredients of Aşure which will take place on 24 September 2020 17.00 – 19.30 (Istanbul time) via Zoom The workshop is part of a series of research meetings dedicated to Materialities of Everyday Religiosity, Past and Present. It aims to look closely at aşure, the sweet boiled grain soup, or pudding, which […]