Kultur- und Vortragsprogramm, Worms

13.08. – 15.08.2018, Kultur- und Vortragsprogramm, Worms Vom 13. bis zum 15. August veranstaltet das Orient-Institut Istanbul in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Worms auf Schloss Herrnsheim/Pfalz unter dem Titel „Eine andere Türkei” ein dreitägiges Kultur- und Vortragsprogramm unter Beteiligung von Nahost- und Kunsthistorikerinnen und –historikern sowie Musikwissenschaftlerinnen und –wissenschaftlern. Hierbei wird unter anderem auch ein von Richard […]

Books, Tea and Baklava: Conserving Turkish Manuscripts in Ireland and Istanbul

The Turkish Collection at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Ireland, consists of around 200 manuscripts, mainly produced in Turkey and written in Ottoman Turkish. Many of these manuscripts are illustrated poetry and history texts, and a large portion are beautifully illuminated (though not illustrated) religious texts, such as prayer books. The Turkish Collection includes several of the greatest manuscripts […]

Seeing without Looking: American Observers of late-Ottoman Istanbul

Foreigners are often regarded as representatives, symbols, and extensions of the states they owe their natural-born allegiances to. It follows that their home state’s competitiveness in host lands has the effect of magnifying or diminishing the associated individual or group’s visibility. Starting from this premise, this paper evaluates the visibility(ies) of foreigners in late-Ottoman Istanbul […]

Bir Avusturya-Macaristan Askerinin Anılarında İşgal İstanbul’undan Manzaralar

Antoine Köpe, 1. Dünya Savaşı’nda Avusturya-Macaristan ordusunun askeri olarak İstanbul’da ve daha sonra da Filistin’de savaşa tanık oldu. 1945’te on büyük cilt tutan ve hala yayınlanmamış olan anılarını yazdı. Anılar Selanik’te başlayarak, okuyucuyu II. Meşrutiyet Döneminden ve Balkan Savaşlarından geçirerek I. Dünya Savaşı’nın İstanbul’daki başlangıcına taşıyorlar.Antoine burada savaşın nasıl başladığına tanık oluyor ve işgal kuvvetlerinin […]