Mapping Gender in the Near East – What’s New and What’s Ahead in Ottoman and Turkish Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Orient-Institut Istanbul Şahkulu Mah., Galip Dede Cad. No. 65, Beyoğlu, İstanbul, Turkey

Mapping Gender in the Near East What’s New and What’s Ahead in Ottoman and Turkish Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies An international and interdisciplinary workshop December 9-10, 2020 Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities and social sciences, this workshop will establish, consolidate and sustain a network of academics who share an […]

Fabrics of Devotion: Religious Textiles in the Eastern Mediterranean – Prof. Dr. Hülya Tezcan

Topkapı Sarayı’ndaki Din Konulu Tekstillere Genel Bir Bakış   Prof. Dr. Hülya Tezcan (Nişantaşı Üniversitesi):   Çarşamba, 29 Eylül 2021, 18:00 (GMT+3)   Topkapı Sarayı Padişah Elbiseleri Koleksiyonu’nda seksen yedi adet tılsımlı gömlek, bir yaka, beş takke, on yazılı örtüden oluşan yaklaşık yüz civarında eser bulunur. Bu gömleklerin kişiyi hastalıklara ve türlü kötülüklere karşı koruduğuna, […]

Fabrics of Devotion: Religious Textiles in the Eastern Mediterranean – Dr. Nikolaos Vryzidis

Many historical vestments and church fabrics of the Greek Orthodox rite survive today in monastic sacristies and museums. Until now, textile and dress scholars have primarily focused on their ultimate origin, historic evolution, and dogmatic meaning. In my view, these important material remnants inform us on underexplored dynamics in the society that produced them and […]

The Jewish Prayer Shawl Tallit

INVITATION TO AN ONLINE LECTURE “Fabrics of Devotion: Religious Textiles in the Eastern Mediterranean”   The Jewish Prayer Shawl Tallit   Dr. Esther Juhasz (Shenkar College /The Israel Museum, Jerusalem)   Wednesday, 20 October 2021, 19:00 (Turkish time, GMT+3)   The tallit, the fringed garment, is worn by observant Jewish males to this day. The […]

Studies on Culture and Diplomacy – Projects at Don Juan Archiv Wien: OTTOMANIA, DIPLOMATICA, BRASILIENSIA

INVITATION TO AN ONLINE LECTURE Dr. phil. Suna Suner (Don Juan Archiv Wien)   Studies on Culture and Diplomacy – Projects at Don Juan Archiv Wien: OTTOMANIA, DIPLOMATICA, BRASILIENSIA   Wednesday, 27 October 2021, 19:00 (Turkish time; GMT +3)   Don Juan Archiv Wien is a research institute in Vienna dedicated to theatre history and […]

Language Policy in Turkey: Recent Perspectives – Dr. Zaur Gasimov

Abstract: The Turkish Language Reform is one of the most fascinating cultural projects of the first half of the 20th century. Throughout the 1920s, numerous distinguished linguists from Hungary, Soviet Russia and Poland visited the University of Istanbul and maintained close contacts with Turkish academia. Mészaros Gyula, Wilhelm Barthold and Süreyya Szapszal were important inspirers, commentators […]

Film Forum: Iran at the crossways

Das Filmforum präsentiert Kurz- und Dokumentarfilme, die Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte des Orient-Instituts Istanbul aus den Forschungsfeldern „Musikwissenschaft“, „Mensch, Medizin und Gesellschaft“ sowie „Religionsforschung“ geben.   Das Filmforum findet von 12. bis 13. November 2021 online statt und ist kostenlos. Filme und Redebeiträge werden deutsch untertitelt und sind für Schwerhörige und Gehörlose barrierefrei zugänglich. Für die Teilnahme […]

Language Policy in Turkey: Recent Perspectives – Dr. Nevra Lischewski

Abstract: The Ottoman Empire was a fundamentally multilingual society. In the course of the late Ottoman and early Republican period, certain policies, rules and practices were introduced in order to influence the linguistic situation and to establish the dominant language in the society, without a perspective for maintaining its linguistic diversity. In this talk Dr. […]

Language Policy in Turkey: Recent Perspectives – Max Scherberger

Abstract: Like Yusuf Akçura, Abdullah Battal-Taymas and other intellectuals of Tatar origin, Sadri Maksudi Arsal (1879–1957) from Kazan played an important role for the construction and development of the Turkish Republic. He met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and made important contributions to the Kemalist reforms of law, politics, history and language. His role in the Turkish […]