Dr. İclal Ayşe Küçükkırca

Research Fellow

Tel.: +90 – 212 293 60 67
Email: kucukkirca@oiist.org

She is a feminist ethnographer and philosophy graduate. 

Since March 2024 she has been working as the principal investigator on the project “Making Sense of Homelessness and Homemaking: Sur, Nusaybin and Berlin” at the Orient-Institut Istanbul, a research she had started at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 2022. She is a member of the editorial board of the “Culture, Society and Political Economy In Turkey” Book Series with Peter Lang Academic Publishers.

Her research field can be summarized through two inter-related axes: space with a particular emphasis on homelessness and homemaking practices in conflict-induced displacement contexts with an intersectional perspective and gender/sexuality studies particularly feminist/women’s movements in Turkey.

She completed her PhD degree in 2011 at the SPEL department of Binghamton University with the  dissertation on “Homelessness and Homemaking”. 

Between 2009 and 2017 she has been living in Diyarbakir and working in Mardin at the Philosophy department of the Mardin Artuklu University (MAU). Commuting between these two cities she has gained extensive ethnographic field experience comprising seasonal migration, displacement and women’s movements. At the same time, she worked as the university representative of the Education and Science Laborers’ Union (Eğitim-Sen) in Mardin, was one of the founders of Met-Der (Seasonal Agriculture Workers Association) in the same city, and an active member of Women’s Academy in Diyarbakır which pursued alternative ways of knowledge production by women.

She received 2017 Şirin Tekeli Research Encouragement Award for her research on Women’s/Feminist Movements in Turkey. Between 2017-2020, she has taught online courses at the Off-University and conducted research on the homelessness and homemaking. In 2020, she went to Berlin as a guest researcher at the Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region at IAAW of the Humboldt Universität. In 2022, she was granted an independent position by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-German Research Foundation) which will continue until 2025.