Prof. Cemal Kafadar: “Vampire trouble is more serious than the mighty plague”: A comparative look at the history of evil and mischief, inspired by Evliya Celebi

Lecture at the Orient-Institut Istanbul, January 9, 2014

A graduate of Istanbul’s Robert College Cemal Kafadar earned his PhD from McGill University’s Institute of Islamic Studies in 1987. After teaching for two years at the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, Prof. Kafadar has been teaching at Harvard University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies where he holds the Vehbi Koç Chair of Turkish Studies. Prof. Kafadar’s work focuses on the social and cultural history of the Middle East and Southeastern Europe in the early modern era. He teaches seminars on archival research and on popular culture. His much noted publications include The Ottomans and Europe, 1400-1600 (1994) and a book on the rise of the Ottoman state Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State (1995).