Dr. Bilge Karbi

Director’s Assistant

Tel.: +90 – 212 293 60 67 / 123
E-Mail: karbi@oiist.org

Dr. Bilge Karbi studied Public Finance at Anadolu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. She completed her master’s degree at Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of History. During her graduate studies, she conducted research on her thesis topic and contributed to the MENALIB (the Middle East Virtual Library) project at the Zweigbibliothek Vorderer Orient/Ethnologie Library at Martin Luther Universität Halle Wittenberg.

She received her doctorate from the Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Modern Turkish History at the Yıldız Technical University Istanbul. She worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Beykent University. She completed a second master’s degree at Marmara University Institute of European Studies, Department of European Economics and Business Administration.

Karbi has worked as a research assistant on the project “The German exile scholar and artist Traugott Fuchs (1906-97)”, one of the research priorities of the Orient-Institut Istanbul.

In 2023, she received the rank of Associate Professor in modern Turkish History. Her research interests are the history of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey: she particularly focuses on relations with Germany and Austria. Bilge Karbi is member of the network “(Post-) Colonial Business History (PCBH)” which is a scientific network project, funded by the DFG.