Recruitment Privacy Policy

Last updated: 06.05.2024

What we collect, where we store it, and how long we keep it

When you apply for a job at Orient-Institut Istanbul, we store your data on servers of our webhost Hetzner.

The stored data consist of:

  • Your job application materials (full name, email address, your answers to any short answer questions required in the application, your time zone or country of residence, your cover letter, your CV/resume; any work you complete as part of the selection process, e.g., sample project work);
  • Internal assessment notes about your application.
  • Emails with you concerning the selection process.

We store your data in those servers until we successfully fill the open position. You can ask us to access, correct, update, or delete your data at any time by emailing Bilge Karbi,

We’re unable to accept unsolicited job applications. If we receive one, we’ll delete it, and any personal information included, and refer you to the Opportunities site.

Our recruitment privacy practices are GDPR compliant. We collect and store this data because we have a legitimate interest: we are trying to hire for a position, and we need information from any candidate who applies for the role. For more information about your rights to your data, please view our general Privacy Policy. All the rights outlined apply to your data as a candidate.

If you are in the EU, you can identify your specific authority to file a GDPR complaint at

If you have questions about your personal data as a job applicant, you can contact Bilge Karbi