The Aesthetics of Contemporary Alevi Religious Practice: Rites, Rituals, Ceremonies

Alevi ritual practice is a significant means in (re)producing a specific Alevi habitus and cultural identity. It is well known that the cem ritual and the emblematic semah were formative in the so-called Alevi revival. Representations of such performances became core symbols of ‘Aleviness’. Despite this, Alevis often complain of a lack of ‘authenticity’ of […]

On the Aesthetics of Manuscripts. A Psychologist’s View

As the second-oldest branch of Experimental Psychology, the Psychology of Aesthetics investigates the multi-factorial determination of aesthetic appreciation and production. Having focused on various questions in the visual arts, manuscripts are merely beginning to draw more attention from scholars in the field. My talk will trace potential factors influencing aesthetic valuation of manuscripts, and highlight […]

The Early Ottomans and the Past. The ‚Oxford Anonymous Chronicle‘ (Bodleian Library, Marsh 313) in Historical Context

The so-called ‚Oxford Anonymous chronicle‘ is a comprehensive history of the Ottoman dynasty in Turkish, compiled from various sources to tell the story of the dynasty from its rise to the year 1484 (AH 889). Like several other histories produced around the same time, some of which it influenced, it presents the Ottomans in the context of wider Islamic history and contains […]

Searching for an ‘Ottoman landscape’: Architect Sinan’s works in Thrace as an expression of tangible history

The landscape of Sinan’s architecture in Thrace offers an opportunity to rethink the value of the famous Ottoman architect in light of his huge legacy, presented through his architectural and engineering works, which are spread out over a vast territory that once belonged to the Ottoman Empire. Especially in the Balkans, a region of conflicts […]

New Approaches in Ottoman Studies: Understanding Historical Transport Infrastructure By Using GIS Applications

Doç. Dr. Kabadayı’s talk explores the planning and implementation of military campaigns from a geo-spatial perspective; the establishment and expansion of the postal service (menzil); and, the journey itineraries of Ottoman civil servants covering the long period from mid-sixteenth to mid-nineteenth century. The logbooks of four Ottoman military campaigns (Köszeg 1532, Suceava 1538, Yerevan 1635, […]

The Qalandariyya Sufi Order of Sehwan (Pakistan) Introduction, Film Screening, and Discussion

The ethnographic film ‘Shahbaz Qalandar’ explores the vital role the Qalandariyya Sufi Order plays in the religious life of the city of Sehwan Sharif, the last remaining centre of Qalandariyya dervishes world-wide. Shabbir Siraj, Nofil Naqvi and Hasan Ali Khan, conceptualized the film together. Ali Khan’s work on the Qalandariyya, in the city of Sehwan […]

Kultur- und Vortragsprogramm, Worms

13.08. – 15.08.2018, Kultur- und Vortragsprogramm, Worms Vom 13. bis zum 15. August veranstaltet das Orient-Institut Istanbul in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Worms auf Schloss Herrnsheim/Pfalz unter dem Titel „Eine andere Türkei” ein dreitägiges Kultur- und Vortragsprogramm unter Beteiligung von Nahost- und Kunsthistorikerinnen und –historikern sowie Musikwissenschaftlerinnen und –wissenschaftlern. Hierbei wird unter anderem auch ein von Richard […]

Books, Tea and Baklava: Conserving Turkish Manuscripts in Ireland and Istanbul

The Turkish Collection at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Ireland, consists of around 200 manuscripts, mainly produced in Turkey and written in Ottoman Turkish. Many of these manuscripts are illustrated poetry and history texts, and a large portion are beautifully illuminated (though not illustrated) religious texts, such as prayer books. The Turkish Collection includes several of the greatest manuscripts […]

New Research on Ottoman-Era Manuscript Libraries

Abstracts Books, Defters, and Documents from 16th and 17th Century Türkenbeute (Turkish Booty) in German Collections: A Research Report Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Majer Emeritus Chair of Turcology and Professor of  History and Culture of the Middle East, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany Considerable booty was made on both sides in the wars between Sultan and Emperor throughout […]