Sinema Gözüyle Osmanlı-Alman İlişkileri (1914–1918)

I. Dünya Savaşı’nın sürdüğü günlerde Osmanlı-Alman ilişkileri kurulan ittifakla birlikte en yoğun dönemlerinden birini yaşamıştır. Savaşla birlikte ivmesi yükselen bu ilişkinin tanıklarından biri de sinematograf görüntüleridir. Aynı dönemde yapısal bir dönüşüme uğrayan sinema, devletlerarası kurulan bu ilişkinin görüntüler yoluyla geniş bir seyirci kitlesine ulaşmasını sağlayabilmiş, filmlerin propaganda gücü, devletler nezdinde halkların savaşa seferber edilmesinde önemli […]

Fighting Under the Same Banner: Memories from the Ottoman Theater of the Great War

IMPORTANT NOTE: To attend the conference, PRE-REGISTRATION is MANDATORY: to register, would you please send an EMAIL BY 15 AUGUST 2019 to specifying your full name (surname, first name) and if you would like to attend the program on Friday (6 September), on Saturday (7 September), or on both days. The talks on Sunday […]

Observing Change in the Eastern Ottoman Empire: The Travel Diaries of the German Botanist Carl Haussknecht (1865–67)

The German botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) travelled in 1865 and again in 1866–68 in the Eastern parts of the Ottoman Empire and in Iran. His main aim was to collect different types of plants for Edmond Boissier’s six-volume encyclopaedia ‘Flora Orientalis’ (published between 1867 and 1888). However, his travel diaries (almost a thousand pages long) […]

An Ottoman Tiraz? Sultan Bayezid’s Silk at Studenica Monastery, Serbia

The treasury of the Studenica Monastery in southern Serbia preserves the only known Ottoman textile attributed to the fourteenth century, a massive silk hanging woven for Sultan Bayezid I. It was donated to the monastery in the very early 1400s by Bayezid’s widow, Mileva Olivera Lazarević (Despina Hatun). The textile’s two inscriptions—al-Sultan al-calim al-cādil and […]

A European Islam in the Balkans: History, ‚Ethnic Cleansing‘, and the Search for Justice

IN COOPERATION WITH THE HUNGARIAN CULTURAL CENTER IN ISTANBUL / İSTANBUL MACAR KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ: A Lecture in the Series Jewels of Knowledge / İlmin Cevherleri Since ancient times, Southeastern Europe has been a crossroads, where the great empires and religious and cultural currents of the Mediterranean world have met and interacted with each other and with […]

A European Islam in the Western Balkans: History, „Ethnic Cleansing“, and the Future of Coexistence

In Cooperation with the Hungarian Cultural Center in Istanbul / İstanbul Macar Kültür Merkezi: András Riedlmayer Documentation Center of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, Fine Arts Library, Harvard University A European Islam in the Western Balkans: History, „Ethnic Cleansing“, and the Future of Coexistence Wedneday, 16 October 2019 19:00 A Lecture in the […]

Moderate Secularism vs. Moderate Islam: A Human Rights Comparison

Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Goerlich Universität Leipzig Secular Law and Freedom of Religion Doç. Dr. Emir Kaya Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi Moderate Secularism vs. Moderate Islam: A Human Rights Comparison Orient-Institut Istanbul: 6 November 2019 – 18:00 Susam Sokak No:16 Kat:3 Daire: 7 Cihangir – İstanbul   Helmut Goerlich studied philosophy, history and […]

Byzantine music: a traditional music expression with modern aspects

Byzantine music: a traditional music expression with modern aspects. In this lecture, Emmanouil Giannopoulos will present some basic features of Byzantine music, which has a huge repertory created by skillful composers during the last centuries. Additionally, there will be some specific references for the great impact this musical tradition has on other kinds of non-ecclesiastic […]

Decorated Papers in Early Modern Islamic Manuscript Cultures

Please note that some speakers will present in English and others in Turkish. Interpretation will not be available. Admission to the symposium is free of charge, but advance registration is required: The Islamic Manuscript Association—in partnership with the Orient-Institut Istanbul, the University of Hamburg’s Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, and the Thesaurus […]

İstanbul’da Tasavvuf

İstanbul’da Tasavvuf Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı İstanbul Tarihi Türk Müziği Topluluğunun müdürü Ömer Tuğrul İnançer, 1946 yılında Bursa’da doğdu. İstanbul Üniversitesinin hukuk fakültesinden mezun oldu. Tasavvuf geleneği, müziği ve çeşitli sufi ritüelleri hakkında birçok makalenin ve kitabın yazarı İnançer, eserlerinde sadece yazılı kaynaklardan değil, bu geleneğin sözlü kaynaklarından da istifade etmiştir. Türkiye’de ve yurtdışında birçok […]